GOD-SIZED ASSIGNMENTS | Strong Full Body Flow – Christian Yoga Video THEME:  GOD-SIZED ASSIGNMENT TARGET AREAS: Legs, Shoulders, Glutes DESCRIPTION: This is a class suitable for Intermediate to Advanced students looking to do a moving meditation that moves your whole body and challenges your balance. Join Callie in this fearless eagle flow! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

STRENGTHEN & RELEASE | Yoga Flow with Weights

STRENGTHEN & RELEASE | Yoga Flow with Weights THEME: STRENGTHEN & RELEASE TARGET AREAS: Legs, Glutes, Hip Openers, Arms, Shoulders, Full Body DESCRIPTION: This is a sweaty workout that will really strengthen and tone your lower body. Get your mat, your water bottle and weights and join Monique on the mat as she work your legs, buttocks and hips! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

RENEWAL | Gentle Hip Opening Stretch

RENEWAL | Gentle Hip Opening Stretch – Christian Yoga Video THEME:  RENEWAL TARGET AREAS: Hip Openers, Legs DESCRIPTION: This is a meditative stretch class. Inhale the Lord’s renewal, refreshment, and rejuvenation with this gentle hip opening flow with Callie! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

IDENTITY | Fearfully And Wonderfully Made

IDENTITY | Fearfully and Wonderfully Made – Christian Yoga Video THEME: Drop the Performance TARGET AREAS: Shoulders, Back Bends/Heart Openers, Legs, Spine, DESCRIPTION: Do you often feel like you are trying to prove your worth or act a certain way in order to be loved? How exhausting can it be to constantly be in your “performance mode”. You are more than your achievements, accomplishments or career. If all of those were put aside, who would you be? Who are you when you “put the paint brush down?” Join Brooklyn in this Stretch and Rest class as she guides you to drop the performance and anchor your identity who God made you to be. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video
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GOOD HABIT | Simple Everyday Yoga Flow

GOOD HABIT | Simple Everyday Yoga Flow – Christian Yoga Video THEME: GOOD HABIT TARGET AREAS: Full Body, Wrists, Arms, Core, Legs, Glutes, Feet, Ankles, Shoulders, Spine, Lower Back DESCRIPTION: This class works through 1 basic yoga flow and another one with some standing sequences. You will learn why a yoga flow is so beneficial to the spine and the importance of developing a habit of a simple yoga practice. Learn this sequence and take it with you everyday and everywhere.   ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

DISCIPLINE IS ABOUT SHOWING UP | Morning Flow for Athletes

DISCIPLINE IS ABOUT SHOWING UP | Morning Flow for Athletes THEME: DISCIPLINE IS ABOUT SHOWING UP TARGET AREAS: Legs, Hip Openers, Shoulders, Full Body, Arms, Backbends/Heart Opener, Hip Openers DESCRIPTION: This class is an everyday morning ladder flow. We will be repeating the flow many times, and adding on an extra pose with each repetition. The purpose is to become so familiar with this basic flow that you can repeat it every morning even without the video. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

DISCIPLINE IS ABOUT SHOWING UP | Morning Flow for Athletes

DISCIPLINE IS ABOUT SHOWING UP | Morning Flow for Athletes THEME: DISCIPLINE IS ABOUT SHOWING UP TARGET AREAS: Legs, Hip Openers, Shoulders, Full Body, Arms, Backbends/Heart Opener, Hip Openers DESCRIPTION: This class is an everyday morning ladder flow. We will be repeating the flow many times, and adding on an extra pose with each repetition. The purpose is to become so familiar with this basic flow that you can repeat it every morning even without the video. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video
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PRACTISE GRACE WHEN IT’S HARD | Arms & Core – Christian Yoga Video THEME: PRACTISE GRACE WHEN IT’S HARD TARGET AREAS: Arms, Shoulders, Core, Legs, Hip Openers, Full Body DESCRIPTION: This is a Grace Flow class focused on strengthening your upper body. We will be doing many arms and shoulder drills and holding poses that will require core strength. Get ready for a strong and graceful flow! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

STRENGTH & GRACE | Flow into Wheel Pose

STRENGTH & GRACE | Flow into Wheel Pose THEME: STRENGTH & GRACE TARGET AREAS: Backbends/Heart Openers, Legs, Lower Back DESCRIPTION: You will be doing a full body flow to get some heat in your body as you flow towards Wheel Pose. You will also learn different transitions you can use in flows to get into Wheel Pose. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

TRUE NORTH | Find Your Compass Pose

TRUE NORTH | Find Your Compass Pose – Christian Yoga Video THEME: TRUE NORTH TARGET AREAS: Legs, Hip Openers DESCRIPTION: Calibrate your compass to the True North and use this play on pose (Compass Pose/Sundial Pose) to reset your mind and have you fix your gaze upwards. Lots of leg work in this class! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

STRENGTH FROM GOD | Arms and Core HIIT Class

STRENGTH FROM GOD | Arms and Core HIIT Class THEME: STRENGTH FROM GOD TARGET AREAS: Arms, Core, Hip Openers, Legs, Shoulders DESCRIPTION: This HIIT class is a strong arm and core workout that will leave you feeling toned, energised and strengthened. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

KIDS YOGA | Hips & Lower Body Growing pains (8-12 year old)

KIDS YOGA | Hips & Lower Body Growing pains (8-12 year old) THEME: HIPS & LOWER BODY GROWING PAINS TARGET AREAS: Hip Openers, Legs, Spine, Glutes DESCRIPTION: Growing pains tend to happen between the ages of 8-12. This class is a gentle and relaxing class you can do with your child to help them ease some of their growing pains that tend to be in their lower body. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

KIDS YOGA | Lower Back Growing pains (8-12 year old)

KIDS YOGA | Lower Back Growing pains (8-12 year old) THEME: LOWER BACK GROWING PAINS TARGET AREAS: Neck & Shoulders, Lower Back, Legs DESCRIPTION: Growing pains tend to happen between the ages of 8-12. This class is a gentle and relaxing class you can do with your child to help them ease some of their growing pains that tend to be in their lower back. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

KIDS YOGA | Acro Yoga Fun (6-10 year old)

KIDS YOGA | Acro Yoga Fun (6-10 year old) THEME: ACRO YOGA FUN TARGET AREAS: Hip Openers, Legs, Core, Shoulders DESCRIPTION: This is a fun class to do with your kid! Let them join in on some acro fun and make yoga a time you can spend together. Join Callie as she guides you and your little one on the mat for some acro yoga fun! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

KIDS YOGA | Partner Yoga fun (6-10 year old)

KIDS YOGA | Partner Yoga fun (6-10 year old) THEME: PARTNER YOGA FUN TARGET AREAS: Legs, Shoulders, Arms, Lower Back DESCRIPTION: Partner yoga can be challenging, require a lot of communication yet a whole lot of fun! Let your little one join in on your mat time and use it as a time to build a stronger relationship. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video


Foundations to Build a Handstand Practice #2 | David Faces Doubt – Christian Yoga Video THEME: FOUNDATIONS TO BUILD A HANDSTAND #2 TARGET AREAS: Full Body, Ankles, Arms, Neck & Shoulders, Core, Legs, Glutes, Obliques, Spine, Lower Back, Back Bends/Heart Openers, Wrists DESCRIPTION: As we work through a creative Grace Flow incorporating micro-movements throughout, youʼll be introduced to proper Handstand hold form for when you finally take the shape upside down. We will also find encouragement and perseverance in our own struggles as we discuss Young David, from 1 Samuel, and how he steps From Fear to Faith, despite those who doubted his abilities. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video


Foundations to Build a Handstand Practice #2 | David Faces Doubt – Christian Yoga Video THEME: FOUNDATIONS TO BUILD A HANDSTAND #2 TARGET AREAS: Full Body, Ankles, Arms, Neck & Shoulders, Core, Legs, Glutes, Obliques, Spine, Lower Back, Back Bends/Heart Openers, Wrists DESCRIPTION: As we work through a creative Grace Flow incorporating micro-movements throughout, youʼll be introduced to proper Handstand hold form for when you finally take the shape upside down. We will also find encouragement and perseverance in our own struggles as we discuss Young David, from 1 Samuel, and how he steps From Fear to Faith, despite those who doubted his abilities. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video


Foundations to Build a Handstand Practice #6 | Jesus Faces Abandonment – Christian Yoga Video THEME: FOUNDATIONS TO BUILD A HANDSTAND #6 TARGET AREAS: Full Body, Arms, Core, Hip Openers, Legs, Wrists DESCRIPTION: This is a Grace Flow incorporating everything from the series so far – handstands as the peak pose, working toward taking them away from the wall and increasing “hang time”. During this flow we will also discuss what Jesus fear faces on the cross and find encouragement from Scripture. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video


Foundations to Build a Handstand Practice #6 | Jesus Faces Abandonment – Christian Yoga Video THEME: FOUNDATIONS TO BUILD A HANDSTAND #6 TARGET AREAS: Full Body, Arms, Core, Hip Openers, Legs, Wrists DESCRIPTION: This is a Grace Flow incorporating everything from the series so far – handstands as the peak pose, working toward taking them away from the wall and increasing “hang time”. During this flow we will also discuss what Jesus fear faces on the cross and find encouragement from Scripture. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

ADVENT PROGRAM #1 | Hope that was Planted

ADVENT PROGRAM #1 | Hope that was Planted – Christian Yoga Video THEME: HOPE THAT WAS PLANTED TARGET AREAS: Core, Hip Openers, Legs DESCRIPTION: Hope was planted long ago that a Saviour would come. This season as we lead up to celebrate the birth of Jesus let us be grateful for this gift of hope fulfilled through Jesus. This class is a creative Grace Flow class that will get you moving into new and fun transitions as you meditate on HOPE! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video