一無掛慮 | 開胸解憂(廣東話)

一無掛慮 | 開胸解憂(廣東話) THEME: 一無掛慮 (Do Not Be Anxious) TARGET AREAS: Backbends/Heart Openers, Hip Openers, Lower Back, Shoulders DESCRIPTION: 這堂課我們會做一些開胸的動作,還會強化我們的背部。 Login HERE to access this video, OR SIGN UP FOR A 14-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE TO ACCESS OUR FULL AND GROWING LIBRARY OF VIDEOS.


FINISH THE RACE WELL | HIIT Yogalates – Christian Yoga Video THEME: FINISH THE RACE WELL TARGET AREAS: Full body, Arms, Core, Glutes, Legs, Obliques DESCRIPTION: This Yogalates class is suitable for those who want to learn to isolate muscle groups when working out and focus on toning your core, arms, legs and glutes. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

FINDING JOY IN TRIALS | Hip Opening Stretches

FINDING JOY IN TRIALS | Hip Opening Stretches – Christian Yoga Video THEME: FINDING JOY IN TRIALS TARGET AREAS: Neck & Shoulders, Hip Openers, Spine EQUIPMENT (OPTIONAL): 2 Block DESCRIPTION: Practise with Jo as she guides you in a 20-minute Stretch & Rest class that targets the hip area. This is a very gentle stretch class and suitable for all levels. If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, this practice will be perfect for you! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

GOOD THOUGHTS | Flow with a Twist

GOOD THOUGHTS | Flow with a Twist – Christian Yoga Video THEME: TRUE NORTH TARGET AREAS: Ankles, Core, Glutes, Legs, Obliques, Feet DESCRIPTION: This is is a Grace Flow class with many twisting poses while strengthening your core, legs and glutes. Learn to twist and detox as you learn to let go of negative thoughts and take on Godly thoughts. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

FAITH IN ACTION | Yoga for Lower Back & Hips

FAITH IN ACTION | Yoga for Lower Back & Hips THEME: FAITH IN ACTION TARGET AREAS: Lower Back, Hip Openers DESCRIPTION: Do you get lower back pain? Sometimes lower back pain can be due to tight muscles not just in the lower back, but in the muscles around it as well. Join Monique in this meditative stretch class to release tension that may cause lower back pains. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

WEIGHT LIFTING 101 | Learn the Basics

WEIGHT LIFTING 101 | Learn the Basics THEME: POSTNATAL TARGET AREAS: Full Body, Ankles, Arms, Neck & Shoulders, Core, Legs, Glutes, Obliques, Spine, Lower Back, Back Bends/Heart Openers, Wrists, Feet EQUIPMENT (OPTIONAL): 2 x Dumbells (your own preference in weight) DESCRIPTION: This class is a Postnatal class for mums who would like to learn how to incorporate weights in your workout. You will be working your full body with Beth Learn of Fit2b.com. Get ready to be strengthened all over and learn correct alignment while using weights. Fit2B exists to change lives one tummy at a time, and their main goal is to help people make a safe, strategic return to fitness. *Use their coupon code to save 15% off your first Fit2B purchase: GraceXStrength ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

LOVE THE LORD | Heart Opening Flow

LOVE THE LORD | Heart Opening Flow THEME: LOVE THE LORD TARGET AREAS: Back Bends/Heart Openers, Spine, Shoulders, Hip Openers DESCRIPTION: Don’t have time and want a bit of everything? A great flow for those who spend long periods of time in front of the desk, working through heart and hip opening poses. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

STRONG FOUNDATIONS | Legs, Glutes & Core

STRONG FOUNDATIONS | Legs, Glutes & Core THEME: BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS TARGET AREAS: Ankle, Core, Legs, Glutes, Spine, Feet DESCRIPTION: This Strength Builder class breaks down basic postures and focuses on lower body conditioning. If you want to work on postural alignment and strengthening your lower body and core, this is the class for you! ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

尋找召命 | 魅力綻放(廣東話)

尋找召命 | 魅力綻放(廣東話) THEME: 尋找召命 (Find Your Calling) TARGET AREAS: 臀部,腿部 (Hip Openers, Legs) DESCRIPTION: 想要強壯你的腿部就一定要做這一堂課!這是一個初級的強力瑜伽班。我們會伸展臀部和腿部然後在做一些強壯腿部的動作。 Login HERE to access this video, OR SIGN UP FOR A 14-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE TO ACCESS OUR FULL AND GROWING LIBRARY OF VIDEOS.

造就人的說話 | 核心鍛練(廣東話)

造就人的說話 | 核心鍛練(廣東話)- Christian Yoga Video THEME: 造就人的說話 (Gentle Words) TARGET AREAS: 腿部,腹部 (Legs, Core) DESCRIPTION: 你想要一個強壯的腹肌嗎?那這一堂課就絕對適合你了!我們會做一些伸展腿的動作然後在做一些強壯腹部的運動。 Login HERE to access this video, OR SIGN UP FOR A 14-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE TO ACCESS OUR FULL AND GROWING LIBRARY OF VIDEOS.

OUR HIDING PLACE | Warming Up Wrists & Ankles

OUR HIDING PLACE | Warming Up Wrists & Ankles – Christian Yoga Video THEME: OUR HIDING PLACE TARGET AREAS: Wrists, Ankles DESCRIPTION: Do you have weak wrists or ankles? It is important to warm them up before you start any class. This is a great class to do before any yoga practice to increase your mobility and prevent injuries. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

愚昧的人 | 根基建立-下盤力量(廣東話)

愚昧的人 | 根基建立-下盤力量(廣東話) – 福音瑜伽 THEME: 愚昧的人(A Foolish Person) TARGET AREAS: 腿部,臀部 (Hip Openers, Legs) DESCRIPTION: 這堂課我們會做一些伸展腿部和臀部的動作也會做一些強壯我們腿部的運動。 Login HERE to access this video, OR SIGN UP FOR A 14-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE TO ACCESS OUR FULL AND GROWING LIBRARY OF VIDEOS.

貪心之罪 | 腿部伸展與強化(廣東話)

貪心之罪 | 腿部伸展與強化(廣東話) – 福音瑜伽 THEME: 貪心之罪 (Greed) TARGET AREAS: 腹部,腿部 (Core, Legs) DESCRIPTION: 這堂課我們會做一些腹部的運動然後做一些強化我們大腿的動作。 Login HERE to access this video, OR SIGN UP FOR A 14-DAY FREE TRIAL HERE TO ACCESS OUR FULL AND GROWING LIBRARY OF VIDEOS.

FREEDOM IN CHRIST | Restorative Hip Stretches

FREEDOM IN CHRIST | Restorative Hip Stretches – Christian Yoga Video THEME: FREEDOM IN CHRIST TARGET AREAS: Hip Openers EQUIPMENT (OPTIONAL): 1 Bolster DESCRIPTION: This class is a Stretch & Rest class with gentle hip stretches that allow you to find freedom and release stored tension in your body. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #1 | Breathwork Basics

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #1 | Breathwork Basics THEME: AS LONG AS I HAVE BREATH, I CAN SERVE TARGET AREAS: Full Body DESCRIPTION: Did you know that pregnant women pay for pre-birthing classes to learn breathing techniques for pain management? Learn the different types of yogic breathing techniques to help with your meditation, anxiety management, pain management and even sinuses! In this module, we go through: Belly Breath, 3 Chamber Breath, Alternative Nostril Breathing & Oceanic Breath ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #2 | Hands & Shoulders

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #2 | Hands & Shoulders THEME: SERVING HANDS TARGET AREAS: Arms, Neck & Shoulders, Wrists DESCRIPTION: You won’t realise how much each finger means to you unless you’ve injured one. We’re designed with all our fingers for a reason. Learn how to strengthen your hands and wrists as a foundation to further your yoga practice and prepare for arm balancing poses. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #3 | Different Yogi Feet

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #3 | Different Yogi Feet THEME: IMPORTANCE OF THE FEET TARGET AREAS: Ankles, Feet, Legs DESCRIPTION: Did you know that 25% of all of bones are in your feet? Your feet are important structures that hold your body’s weight. Learn about the foundations that your body is built on and the foundations for your yoga poses. This class will teach you how to flex, point and floint your feet and when to use them in your practice. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #3 | Different Yogi Feet

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #3 | Different Yogi Feet THEME: IMPORTANCE OF THE FEET TARGET AREAS: Ankles, Feet, Legs DESCRIPTION: Did you know that 25% of all of bones are in your feet? Your feet are important structures that hold your body’s weight. Learn about the foundations that your body is built on and the foundations for your yoga poses. This class will teach you how to flex, point and floint your feet and when to use them in your practice. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #4 | Spine & Core

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #4 | Spine & Core THEME: HEART, SOUL, MIND & STRENGTH FROM THE CORE TARGET AREAS: Spine, Core, Obliques DESCRIPTION: A lot of people mistake the core as the abdominal muscles only. Truth is, there is a lot more than just a six-pack that defines a strong core. The pelvic floor muscles and deeper transversus abdominis muscles can weaken and if left in their weakness, often contributes to poor posture, lower back pain and worse, incontinence & even uterus prolapse, especially for women post-pregnancy. Don’t wait till it happens! Work on it while you can. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #4 | Spine & Core

BEGINNER’S PROGRAM #4 | Spine & Core THEME: HEART, SOUL, MIND & STRENGTH FROM THE CORE TARGET AREAS: Spine, Core, Obliques DESCRIPTION: A lot of people mistake the core as the abdominal muscles only. Truth is, there is a lot more than just a six-pack that defines a strong core. The pelvic floor muscles and deeper transversus abdominis muscles can weaken and if left in their weakness, often contributes to poor posture, lower back pain and worse, incontinence & even uterus prolapse, especially for women post-pregnancy. Don’t wait till it happens! Work on it while you can. ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL YOGA STUDIO HERE Have an account already? Login HERE to access this video